About the Game

Updated: 30/03/2024

Town of Sins is a game where your mission is to corrupt a town of prim and proper residents. These girls are living very prudent, quiet, and boring lives. So that you and your girlfriends wouldn’t die of boredom, this town needs whorehouses, casinos, and tons of perennially horny fuckholes.

The main plot line takes place in the Adventure section. It is here that you will be turning a quiet rural town into a den of iniquity. Vanquish your opponents, one neighborhood at a time, and the town will be yours!

Registration in the game

* Only available in some versions of the game.

Register! For one, there will be plenty of reward letters in the game. Second, registration allows you to play using different devices and browsers without losing your current status. Third, you will always be kept abreast of the new events in the game. Don’t worry about spam or other junk mail. We don’t do that.

The REGISTER button for registration is located in the upper left hand corner of the main page.

Best Game Strategy For Beginners

Using your initial deck of cards, in the Adventure section, you can get your first rare and even epic cards. The cost of upgrading common cards is very low, so it makes sense to upgrade them early on in the game.

From the get go, begin battling others in the Arena. The Arena is your main source of Bucks for fusing cards. It is in the Arena that you will be getting Avatar Souls for opening new avatars and improving your existing ones.

The Workshop section will be your primary place for investigating combos. Since combos are key to winning, make sure you never exit the game without launching the workshop first. And try to purchase at least one additional slot at the Workshop.

Of the other really important purchases, you should buy the Combo Booster right away. It will stay with you throughout your entire game life and cut the required investigation time in half. You should also consider buying the Energy Enhancer for Adventures and the starter Hero Pack.

The optimal army will comprise 20–25 cards. An army should be more or less evenly split between Character Cards and Item Cards. This will allow you to create combos during battle.

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